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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Butterfly and Floral Tea Chest

Take one wooden tea chest and add some of the new Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint colors and some pretty Dixie Belle transfers and it becomes a one of a kind treasure chest.

I picked up this lovely divided wooden tea chest at a local thrift store knowing they are perfect for not only tea but bangles and bracelets and other jewelry pieces or other treasures that need corralling.

The hardware was removed and the chest cleaned well ready to paint.

 I chose elderberry and wisteria from the new Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint line.

They are such pretty colors. I will apply them in a blended fashion with a natural bristle Dixie Belle premium chip brush. Stock up on a few of these brushes as they are fabulous for so many uses at a very low price point.

 Dipping the brush in both the Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint colors and brushing on makes for a beautiful blended combo. I went with straight lines to start but changed my mind on the top.

Watch this video to show how I apply the paint and changed the top design

I like the faded circle much better, how about you?

Now to add a Dixie Belle transfer.  Once the layers of paint was dry all sides were sanded with a Dixie Belle sanding sponge to smooth the paint. This paint will leave texture which is perfect in many applications but for this project I wanted a less textured look.

For the best application of transfers over the clay paint it is best to apply a coat of Dixie Belle flat clear coat first and let dry.

From the translucent garden Dixie Belle transfer I cut out the graphics I wanted to use and set them in place.

 Each Dixie Belle transfer piece had the backing removed, set where desired and rubbed in place.

This is all of the graphics applied.

To seal the transfers in place using a Dixie Belle premium chip brush, two coats of Dixie Belle flat clear coat were brushed on letting each coat dry well.

Then to add just a hint of sparkle to the box I used my favorite tool to apply gold Dixie Belle Gilding Wax. I just love how easy this is to apply.

  (see the above video)

The hardware was put back on and it is complete, a whole new look for this sweet wooden chest.

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video tour of this beauty

Links to the Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links do however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these free tutorials. Thank you!


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  1. Any tea bag or treasured piece of jewellery would love to call the transformed box home! Beautiful creation!

  2. "I used my favorite tool to apply gold Dixie Belle Gilding Wax."
    What tool do you use?

    This is so pretty - those are "my" colors. I've been wondering about DB clay paint - glad to see an example.


    1. Hi Sheila, thank you for the kind words, the favorite tool is my finger.. I hoped it might entice folks to watch the video showing my tool :)

      I have a few terra clay projects shared but more in the works. Give it a try I think you will like it.

    2. There's more than one video! The one I watched showcased the (very pretty) box - I missed the one about applying the gilding wax. That's a handy tool to have - very multifunctional.


    3. HAHA it is the best multifunctional tool ever :) Thanks again for topping by

  3. This turned out beautiful! What a great way to upcycle a old jewelry box! Thanks for sharing on Crafty Creators & Happiness is Homemade.


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