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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Back To School Pencil Paper Stool

A good customer who is a school teacher asked if I could make an old stool into a fun one of a kind piece for her classroom. I took up the challenge to create this cutie.

This is the inspiration photo the customer sent to me asking if I could replicate it on her stool.

This is the customer's stool getting scrubbed well with a brush and Dixie Belle white lightning cleaner then rinsed and dried.

Over the years it had lost the screw wood plugs so I replaced those gluing 4 new ones in place.

The dark green color and super smooth surface had me choosing Dixie Belle Slick Stick to cover the dark color and be sure the paint stuck to the existing surfaces.

Two coats were applied using a narrow Dixie Belle synthetic brush then left to dry well for a few days while I was on vacation.

The seat, center supports and rungs were painted a crisp white ; whitecap Dixie Belle silk mineral paint. Again a couple coats of this smooth all in one paint were brushed on with the cleaned Dixie Belle synthetic brush. The rest of the colors chosen for the creation were stacked in order.

The edges were taped off with painters tape to make painting these areas much easier. To get the bold yellow pencil color I chose daffodil from the new Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint line. Again two coats were brushed on.

To recreate the wood portion of the pencil latte from the original Dixie Belle Paint was brushed on with a narrow brush free hand to give a "rough" edge to look like the pencil was sharpened.

Moving to the top, the eraser was painted using desert rose from the Dixie Belle silk mineral paint line. I had removed the stool top before painting to make this much easier too.

A full length shot of the last few colors on before the final color. The yellow was clear coated with Dixie Belle satin clear coat to seal the terra paint as well as give the "pencil" a bit of shine.

While the base dried well I moved on to the top which I created to look like loose leaf. I drew faint pencil lines then colored them in with paint markers. Touch ups were done using the fine tipped Dixie Belle Artist Brush.

Real life painting challenges :)

I pulled the painters tape off the rungs to reuse around the top area for a straight line. I am always about reusing what I can :) And just look at the nice crisp edge.

The last color to be added is anchor Dixie Belle silk mineral paint. This color represents the pencil lead and eraser holder. 

Again on the bottom for the lead I freehanded the edge for a "sharpened" look.

Using another of the Dixie Belle Artist Brushes I did touch ups all over the stool.

Once all was complete 2 coats of Dixie Belle satin clear coat were brushed on to seal it all up ready to hit the classroom ready for back to school fall 2022!

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Links to the Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links do however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these free tutorials. Thank you!


Hometalk Aug 30/22


  1. Oh I love this unique stool makeover so much! My two oldest grandkids need one of these in each of their rooms. So fun and such a great idea, Lee Ann!

    1. Thank you Marie for the kind words. Your grandkids would be very lucky to have you create them one :)

    2. I have a question I've bought all these products to do my bedroom.
      My is after you put thec2 coats if steel on and let it dry then did you brush on the darker over it or how did you do after the 2 coats?

  2. I love this! How Do you stop paint from chipping?

    1. Hi Sharon, Do you mean with wear over time? The entire stool has been clear coated with a couple coats to help with wear which should be good however of course all paint can chip if gouged etc. :) Hope that helps.

  3. What a unique idea. Very creative. Well done!


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