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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Yet Another Custom Ordered Growth Ruler

I have another custom ordered growth ruler to share with you. This one was ordered by a good friend for another of her grandchildren. One of my rulers - a favorite magnolia adorned  was for her first granddaughter. This is for her grandson Lincoln.

I started with my usual 6 foot long by 8: wide spruce board. All sides are sanded smooth. 

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The board was stained on both sides with  Varathane wood accelerator. This is a favorite product of mine for these ruler projects.

Using my favorite Muddaritaville Studio growth ruler stencil I stenciled the markings and numbers on using warm white endless shore Dixie Belle silk paint using a 3/4" stencil brush. All was lightly sanded with a Dixie Belle sanding sponge.

Be sure to stop by Muddaritaville with this link for 10% off your stencil order.

The name was the next step. Custom ordering allows for whatever font, size and color the customer wants. For this ruler the customer hoped for an old school John Deere font. This was as close as I could find. Bookman Old Style 160 font.

The name is printed out, the back side of the paper rubbed with chalk and then traced in place. This old school stencil hack works so well. I even moved the name from initial location by wiping chalk name off and replacing.

Once where I want it I outline the chalk marks with a white oil based sharpie pen.

Then using a small Dixie Belle Artist Brush I hand paint the name using endless shore Dixie Belle silk mineral paint.

Rarely do I get myself in a photo but my husband took this as I hand painted in our kitchen.

It is left over night then the next day a second coat was done over the name.

The ruler was sealed with 2 coats of Dixie Belle satin clear coatThe back side gets 1 coat to seal all up.

Links to the Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links do however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these free tutorials. Thank you!


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  1. Hi LeeAnn! I need to make one of these for my grandson. I don't understand how you did the name though. This is Cheryl from Jacksonville Florida. It looks like it is snowing outside of your window.

    1. Hi Cheryl
      It is snowing and in the middle of a crazy polar vortex cold spell ;(design your name in font you like, print out, on reverse side of paper rub with chalk, place on board and trace.I will try and do a video for the next one


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