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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Milk Painted Kids Table Set

How adorable are little kids table and chairs sets? They are so much fun to relove for 1- you can do in fun colors, 2- they are the perfect size to try a new product on and 3 - they are so popular. This set came to me unfinished with just crayon marks needing removing.

A good sanding took the crayon off and gave the wood surface a fresh new start. I went with CeCe Caldwell paint stain and finish all in one in Beechnut Gray for the top. Four coats were applied with a fine grit sanding in between each coat.

The base was finished in two coats of milk paint for a soft water color look finish. The first coat was Miss Mustard Seed milk paint in Eulalie's sky and the second coat was Homestead House Paint Co. in Loyalist.

to get in the wee areas that show just from the top I love to use fine artist brushes

Once dry, a light sanding over all the painted areas with a sanding sponge then 2 coats of poly to seal the paint up was applied by brush. All done ready to be staged and here it is below

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