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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Vintage Window Frame Turned Art

This vintage window was in perfect condition. The wood frame and glass were both intact. I used it to create motivational wall art. First, I restored the wood frame and then added vinyl inspirational words to the glass. Now it looks beautiful. Old windows can make perfect wall art.

I scrubbed and bleached the wood, removing the years of dirt and grime. After drying, the wood surfaces were sanded smooth. The back side of the frame was primed. Then, the front side was painted with a pretty aqua blue paint from General Finishes called Key West. I applied two coats of paint and then sealed both sides with clear wax.

The window can be oriented in both directions. I chose portrait.

 Originally I used a dry erase marker to write on inspirational words (R). I put the words printed on paper on the underside and traced as an easy hack. These words can easily be wiped off .

My sister was up for a visit and had brought her Cricut along for some other t-shirt projects and printed off some new words for me.

Cricut users know the steps to transferring words onto the pieces but the simple layman's process was the excess vinyl around the words was removed, a transfer medium was applied, then each word was set in place to come up with a layout. Once where desired it was burnished into place.

In the left photo you can see one of the words going on, as well as another that was just set in place to see if I wanted to add it in the right photo.

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Because of its weight I added a french cleat to the back of the frame and the other half on the wall after finding the desired location. And the vinyl words can be removed and changed at any time. Photos can be placed or art behind the glass as well. There are so many options to use and old window frame with glass.


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  1. What a fabulous idea! It looks great. And you got some use out of the Cricut too.

    1. Thank you kindly, I am glad my sister has one as I get the occasional use but would not use much on my own I dont think. She makes t-shirts :)

  2. A very unique way to display a wooden window!

  3. What a unique way to display a wooden window!


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