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Rich Brown Vintage Table with Storage

  I recently gave this unique old book case end table a total new look. It had previously been given a faux treatment years ago that was now in real rough shape. What do you think of this new rich chocolate brown stain and paint makeover?

Soft Sage Green Serving Tray - Cancer Fundraiser # 2

Follow along as I create this gorgeous soft sage green serving tray from a solid maple door.

 I won this lovely cancer awareness transfer from Redesign with Prima in a giveaway a few months back. I decided to break it up into 3 projects to fund raise money for the  the Canadian Cancer Society.

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Project # 2 was this solid maple cabinet door. Unlike many others I have gotten this one had no hardware holes etc. It was just a lovely solid finished door perfect for my serving tray plan.

I laid out the one sheet of the transfer and chose a soft sage green from Fusion Mineral Paint called lichen.

The lichen was brushed on using a handy 2" Fusion chip brush.

One coat covered perfectly as I wanted some of the original stain to faintly show thru. When it was dry it was lightly distressed on the edges to further show the original wood.

The the fun part of deciding what parts of the transfer would go where.

I wanted the whole bottom portion of door covered so it required another page of the transfer.

It is easy to measure and mark on the clear plastic top layer of the transfer and cut along the line.

The the daunting part.. the actual transferring process. Be sure you have the transfer exactly where you want it to be as once you remove the white backing layer and place on your surface the transfer will start to stick. And it is very adhesive.

Here is a video of the process. I have more but they are too long to post here but can email if you want, just message me.

First full sheet applied

and the partial transfer piece

and finally a few more inspirational words.

To turn it into a serving tray handles were needed. These gorgeous beauties were from D Lawless Hardware.  They are the satin chrome art deco pull. This online hardware store has EVERYTHING in every size.

The hole placement was measured and drilled by my handy husband using our favorite Dewalt cordless drill. 

Once the transfer was applied and burnished onto the surface with my warm finger it was time to seal up the tray surface for some added durability and easier cleanup. 

To give some added definition, Fusion Mineral Paint's ageing wax was brushed along the edges and in the crevices.

The handles were affixed and little sponge feet put on the back to protect surfaces and it was ready to serve.

This tray was auctioned on my Creative Moments Facebook page with all proceeds being donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.

The pieces were individually auctioned on my Creative Moments Facebook page with all proceeds being donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. A total of $250 was donated to the cause.

THANK YOU to Fusion Mineral PaintD Lawless Hardware and Redesign with Prima for collaborating on this very worthy cause!!


Farmhouse Friday

Shared at these fine link up parties

Farmhouse Friday
Thursdays Favorite Things


  1. I love these. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Where do I buy these transfer designs? Would love to do this project !! Lovely !!

    1. Thank you so much so sorry for the delay in replying as this was found in an awaiting moderation folder ;(

      These are from Prima, check out their website for local retailers as well as on Amazon

  3. What a beautiful tray! congrats on your feature at TFT! We'd love to have you join us at Tuesday Turn About, via! Hope to see you there!

    1. Thank you so much so sorry for the delay in replying as this was found in an awaiting moderation folder ;(

      I will stop by this week :)


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