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Pier One to Pottery Barn Trunk Makeover

A client brought in this Pier One trunk/coffee table to be painted. They wanted the finished product to be in the style of Pottery Barn furniture. The result was just what they envisioned. Now this updated, custom painted trunk/coffee table is ready to go back home and give them years of service.

Raised Sonoma Tile Wall Art

The above 4 piece raised tile wall art was the end result of a few different ideas. I am so happy I went with the tile look, do you like?

I can never pass up a piece heading for the landfill and attempt to give it new life. The above dollar store frame was one of 4 being tossed. They were embroidered suede like material in 2 different colors but had become stained and grungy. 

The frame size was very similar to the size I make my custom faux tiles from so caught my eye right away.

First step was to remove the hanger, backing and material.

Then you have a smooth front frame

One hanger was a bit rusty but after a scrub and dry it was painted with some gold digger Dixie Belle Metallic Moonshine paint.

The luan "wood" frames were painted a coat of mirage Dixie Belle silk mineral paint using my mini Dixie Belle synthetic brush. Such a gorgeous color don't you think?

After allot of decision of adding different transfers I decided on the Sonoma art tile  Dixie Belle stencil.

I wanted to go out of my comfort zone for the stencil color choosing daffodil from the Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint line mixed with the texture creating Dixie Belle Sea Spray.

Watch my how I applied the mixed product over the stencil and on the frames above.

All 4 frames had the stencil treatment and left to dry well. 

In the meantime I selected Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint colors to blend on the tiles. Below is Lani's lagoon, blue agave and cerulean blue next to the daffodil.

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The colors were blended across the tiled frames layering and blending as they were applied.

When all colors were dry, which does not take long with this clay based paint, the tiles were sanded to reveal more of the bold daffodil color and smooth any rough points.

To seal in the colors and steps this far Dixie Belle satin clear coat was brushed on with my mini Dixie Belle synthetic brush.

Once the sealer coat dries it is on to adding some depth and character.

Using my dedicated dark wax Dixie Belle French tip brush I applied brown Dixie Belle's best dang wax around the edges and in the crevices.

And for added sparkle using my handy applicator - my finger tip, copper and bronze Dixie Belle Gilding Waxes went on all the high points.

The tiles turned out perfectly.

The frames can be hung individually

or as a 4 piece wall collection. 

The raised stencil vase tutorial is now available too.

Links to the Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links do however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these free tutorials. Thank you!


Creative Crafts

Hometalk Nov 11/22

Morning Cup of Joe

Shared up at these fun parties



  1. I love these! Can't wait to try out the Terra paint

  2. What a fabulous way to repurpose those frames. I hate seeing anything going off to the dump too. Glad you saved them because they came out amazing.

    1. Thank you for sharing your kind words, they are appreciated :)

  3. What beautiful pieces! I loved the raised look and that backdrop distressing is gorgeous!

  4. I'll be featuring your post on Sunday's Happiness is Homemade over at Life as a LEO Wife. I hope you'll come by and share on Crafty Creators as well! Thanks for sharing!

  5. These are absolutely gorgeous!

  6. I love the colors. I can't wait to try the Terra paint! Were these done on a canvas?

    1. Terra is quite unique for sure, they were done on a cardboard type dollar store frame shown in the tutorial above but canvas would work for sure


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