Did you know that on a new chalkboard surface, prepping it correctly will make a big difference in it's future use? I love chalkboards for their versatility. They are perfect for
- kids to practice spelling &art
- keeping lists for groceries, chores, to do etc
- inspirational quotes
- photo props
- endless uses
Chalkboard surfaces can be painted on wood, glass, tin, drywall, again the choices are endless. Frames painted in fun colors are my favorite chalkboard choices. Here are a few I have done in the past as well as a few current ones for sale on my
Creative Moments Facebook page.

I even added chalkboard top to a childs table set and a dresser hutch for a coffee bar
But after the chalkboard surface cures for 3+ days it is time to use but in order to avoid ghost writing and to get a nice finish it much be prepped.
To do this, take a piece of chalk and lay on its side.
Rub over entire surface then wipe with a dry soft cloth.
Wallaa it is ready for use.
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