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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Staining over an existing finish

 A sweet vintage fold down edged table was gifted to me to give new life to and this is what I did.

The size and fold down edges functionality makes it perfect for a small area that needs more space at times.

The base had been painted hunter green and the top a natural stain but the old finish was more yellowy orange. The top finish was in good shape just needing a warmer tone.

Another great feature is it was solid wood making it so worth an update.

The style is very classic as well.

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The table was scrubbed well with Dixie Belle white lightening cleaner in soapy water then rinsed well with fresh clean water.

To make painting the base easier I removed the top. Flip it over and remove the screw; easy peasy.

I removed all the old paint drips using my handy carbide scraper from Richard tools, video above demonstrates how.

I also like to power sand all the old paint drips off too and smooth the bottom at this step too with my orbital sander. The top of the table will be dealt with later in the tutorial.

The base was then hand sanded to smooth and drips showing under the paint coat from the previous clear coat. It also deglosses this super shiny green paint and allows the new paint to adhere better.

All was wiped again to remove and sanding dust.

I have chosen a warm white for the new base color so to be sure the dark green does not alter the color I brushed on 2 coats of Dixie Belle BOSS tinted white. This is the first coat brushed on. I let both coats dry well overnight.

The warm white color I chose was endless shore from the new Dixie Belle silk paint line. I used the flat medium  Dixie Belle synthetic brush to apply. Two coats worked perfect over the 2 coats of white BOSS. This new paint formula has a built in top coat so no extra step needed.

Dark waxing can be done right over it. I added brown Dixie Belle's best dang wax to all the crevices with a small artist brush as I wanted to keep the majority the warm white. Above the back leg is completed and starting on the front.

Closeup of the brown wax going on.

The top was refinished using Dixie Belle No Pain Gel Stain in walnut. This product can be applied over existing finish so wanted to try that application on the table top. I used the same product on this end table top that was sanded to bare wood. See how different the color looks over 2 different wood finishes in just 1 coat?

I applied using a Dixie Belle applicator sponge, video demo of how I applied it.

I applied 2 coats and let dry well. The top was screwed back on and it was complete.

I love the fresh new update, you?

Being able to apply the stain over the finish sure saved time and the walnut color added the warm tones I wanted to go with the base.

The fold down edges allow 3 types of seating options as well as allows it to tuck neatly against a wall. Perfect as an entry table you can pull out when needed.

It would also be perfect as a party table for holding snacks!

I also staged as an actual dining table to give a better visual.

video view

Links to Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this fantastic paint company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links does however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these tutorials. Thank you!

Shared at these great link up parties


  1. Absolutely gorgeous 😍❤

    1. thank you so very much for your kind words ;)

  2. Great work on this sweet table! The white is definately more with todays colors. And it has so many uses with those fold-down leaves!

    1. Thank you for sharing such kind words, I think it is a treasure for sure :)

  3. Beautiful makeover! I have a coffee table my daughter brought over that has hunter green legs and a light colored top as well and you have given me a great idea on how to transform it. Thanks for sharing the project with us. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Thank you, I am glad to inspire :) Thanks for hosting too


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