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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Antique Folding Table Refinished


I have had this antique table in my stock pile for a very long time. Finally it got its chance to be reloved and I am very happy with the new look. Just wait until you see how many seating configurations this table can make.

Initially I could not get the back legs to slide out so balance the flipped open top on another table to photograph with my shop dog Harley supervising.

Folded up it was a great size to have as a sofa table

It also has really cute corner details however one was missing over the years but 3 leaves managed to stay with it.

The back hinges of the fold out top

but when folded out the top had no support until I finally loosened the legs under it to pull out, yes!

The manufacturer sticker survived all these years too

as well as the stamp. I love these details on antique pieces.

To start I removed the underside center support legs. One had been rigged with a hook and eye to hold it up over the years. Later on in the refinish I will address fixing this.

My handy husband removed the hinges for me as I was working on the legs.

Time for a deep scrub to remove years of use. I add Dixie Belle white lightning cleaner to a bucket of warm soapy water and scrub inside and upside down then rinse well and dry.

Next up was repairs; I use an offset spatula to push glue under the lifting veneer, wipe excess with damp cloth then clamp and let dry well.

Now dry it can be sanded along with the rest of the top.

The table rails were very sticky (hence why I could not pull out the legs on one side) so I fixed this using Dixie Belle Big Mama’s Butta applied with my dedicated Dixie Belle La Petite brush on all sides when pulled out to full length. I also applied it on the entire underside of the table to rehydrate the old wood. Excess then gets wiped off and buffed.

This chunk of missing veneer was filled with Dixie Belle mud. Again when dry it will be sanded smooth.

The missing corner support was created by my handy husband. It took a few attempts but eventually with the right wood he made a near exact replica. 

The table corners on one side had cracks that were filled again with the offset spatula then clamped from all sides to keep straight. I use plastic between these clamps and wood as the rubber leaves marks.

Time to start power sanding all the old finish off starting with the middle center fold down legs. Left one done, right to go. I love the worn weathered look of the left.

The rest of the table sides, top and all the leaves both sides were power sanded smooth.

This is the replicated corner support, looks great right?

The corner was taken apart, old glue scraped off and sanded and glued and clamped back together (left). When dry it was fitted back to rest of table and the gluing drying process repeated.

The other corner had the same done after the corner support was glued & nailed in place. Clamps were set from both directions again to keep it nice and square.

Now that the base was sanded and glued back together the sanded top was set in place and this is the progress. It is lovely!

I thought I might want it white washed so on one of the leaves I applied natural Dixie Belle Voodoo Gel Stain (Left) after misting the wood with water in the Fine Mist Spray Bottle but I was not a fan. Being a water based stain I quickly washed it all off as best I could but the porous wood retained some of the light stain. (right)

I did use a variety of the Voodoo Gel Stain colors to make the new corner (upper left corner)

to try and match the original and think it looks great. When it dried I sanded it to look almost like the original corner (upper right)

I also used fine sandpaper to buff up the folding leg hardware (top in progress, bottom original) before my husband straightened the one bracket that would not lock in place.

I love a natural worn wood look so applied Dixie Belle Howdy Do Hemp Oil to all the surfaces. You can see just how rich it makes the wood look and the grain POPS!

hemp oiling video

The underside of the leaves were done too. All sides. base and legs were given 2+ coats of the Hemp Oil till the wood absorbed it all.

gel stain video

The leaf I had done in the natural stain still bothered me that it looked lighter then the rest but there is always a solution to every problem. Mine for this situation was to add a coat of walnut Dixie Belle No Pain Gel Stain while the hemp oil was still fresh.

I also wiped the walnut Gel Stain over the edges and legs too.

The double sided table top had more veneer and wood filler work drying.

But once dry and sanded the same steps were done to both sides. Above is the hemp oil going on.

To add durability to the table tops I mixed a wee bit of walnut stain in Dixie Belle Gator Hide.

I applied with a Dixie Belle applicator sponge. I repeated coats 2 and 3 the same way but swapped gator hide for Dixie Belle satin clear coat for a softer satin finish.

I LOVE the original hardware so polished them up leaving some original patina and put back on, perfection!

Here is just the basic table all complete

Then I had my husband put the hinges and double sided / fold out top back on.

This is how it all looks folded; perfect sofa table or entry table that can be used for meals, games, buffet table or any other use. Wait till you see the size configurations.

I popped the old felt off the pull out support leg side with a razor and put on new felt.

This is folded out with one leaf

then 2 leaves

Then all 3 leaves.

See how the center legs fold down to add support to the table center?

How about the cute little Frenchie in the background :)

This table will be perfect for the holiday season.

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  1. Replies
    1. Wow! is right. What a super job in restoring life to a cute little table that tucks away when not in use and extends when needed.

  2. Love this! These tables always amaze me, I once saw a piece that looked like just a regular buffet, but the buffet actually became a dining room table with 20 leaves! I kick myself when I think about all the folks I could have fit around that table. This one is lovely! Thank you for sharing with us on Whimsy Home Wednesday!

    1. This sat in my shop for years not knowing how it expanded and once I finally got at it I was so surprised.. perfect sofa table in our home that becomes a games table, buffet during holidays etc.

  3. Wonderful makeover Lee Ann! I have a very similar looking table that I've also had for years, however it doesn't open like yours. It's so interested that it's made in Canada, so it has me wondering if it might be the same maker.

    1. Hi Sara, that is cool we have similar tables. Getting it to fold out had me confused at fist as it was "sealed" with old finish. Once I got it open it all made sense. So many options for seating. Does yours have lots of leaves?

  4. Loving the folding hardware on this table! The old pieces are so well made. Great repair/replacement on that missing piece! I’m excited to tell you that this post will be featured in Tuesday Turn About Link Party this week! Thanks so much for linking up and we hope to see you this week! Pinned 😊

    1. Thanks Cindy, I agree, so much better construction and wood. THANK YOU for the feature, I am excited for this weeks tour.


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