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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Sea Glass to Patina to Old World Finish


Did you see my "faux cement" vases recently shared? I did these 3 vases in another painted textured finish. Let me share how.

From my huge stash of clear vases I scrubbed up 3 for this project. Warm soapy water, a bit of Dixie Belle white lightening cleanercleaned well, rinsed and left to dry.

My original plan was to attempt a sea glass finish using Saltwash, water and paint.

Dixie Belle Sea Spray is a similar texture product but I do not have it yet.

The paint color I chose was Dixie Belle Paint in pure ocean. 

Action video of mixing and application.

Here is the spray results.. not what I thought it would be.

I applied another sprayed coat and tried drying it with my Wagner Furno 500 heat gun to see results.

Still not the look I wanted.

I applied a 3rd coat but it was not the color nor the finish I wanted and parts pulled off when blotting with the plastic to create texture. Time to go with another plan. The color made me think patina spray and copper patina paint may help. But first I wanted to add some age to them so lightly using a Dixie Belle chip brush brushed coffee bean and mermaid tail over the pure ocean.

Then it was patina time. I randomly brushed the copper patina paint randomly all over in two coats. After the second coat while paint is still wet, you spray with the patina spray, this is the green. Here is a video applying the patina paint and spray.

Here they are dried. Again NOT what I was wanting for the back two vases. I had hoped the copper would run but it basically stays where put FYI.

Luckily they are easily repainted. Dixie Belle Paint in coffee bean and mermaid tail were over a touch up coat of the saltwash mix (I was using it on the 2 little vases to the left). Then the DB copper paint was dry brushed on and lightly sprayed.

Wanting to add some more green I used left over mermaid tail and clear wax mixed from the kids table set I did. It was all going great until this piece chipped off. I am thinking it must have been an area of the vase that had a wee bit of something not scrubbed off or a a bit to thick of paint that lifted.

Luckily I had lots of the paints left to touch up in the order used.

On the mason jar I sealed it with Dixie Belle clear coat in flat finish. I applied it with a damp Dixie Belle applicator sponge. All vases were done in this manner for 2 protective coats.

And as the final step, Dixie Belle's new gilding wax in copper was applied. Here is a video applying the new copper wax.

I LOVE the 3rd attempt which created an old world finish and I love how all 3 have the same products but look so different. Which is your favorite?

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I always share lots of views hoping they help. If you are interested, these are available on Facebook 
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take a video tour of them 

Links to Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this fantastic paint company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links does however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these tutorials. Thank you!

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  1. They all look great but I think I may like the mason jar the best. Thank you for sharing how you created all of these finished.


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