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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Lotus Adorned Wooden Case/Chest

Take a large glossy hinged case, some and a newly released lotus Dixie Belle transfer and this is what you get!

I picked up this glossy painted wooden case at a thrift store. I love cases, they are great for storing items in such as remotes, magazines etc and this one is quite large so will hold lots.

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The lining was loose so reglued with some all purpose glue then flipped over and weights set on the lining to hold tightly in place to dry.

After wiping the case clean I removed the hardware and paint taped the metal name tag for ease of painting .

The glossy surface was given a coat of Dixie Belle Slick Stick applied with a Dixie Belle premium chip brush.

After the slick stick dried I found the lower lining edges were loose too so repeated the gluing and clamped in place with boards to keep flat and firmly in place.

Shout out to Salvaged Inspirations for the inspiration for this combo. I was going to do a "safe" white with soft floral transfer until I saw her combo and changed my mind to go bold.

First coat of Dixie Belle Terra Clay Paint in Lani's lagoon; a pretty turquoise brushed on with a flat medium Dixie Belle synthetic brush stippling to create texture.

This paint covers so well one coat is all you need.

Next malachite Terra Clay Paint was stippled on randomly with the same synthetic brush.

Varying amounts and dabs on all sides give texture and color. This is all personal choice. I also dabbed a damp blue shop towel in areas to blend the colors a bit as well as sprayed the brush with a Fine Mist Spray Bottle to dampen at times and swirled areas. It does look crazy at this step though right?

Once your paint colors are to your like the paint is sealed with Dixie Belle Terra Seal which gives a nice matte seal. This secures the paint in place and allows the transfer to adhere to the clay paint.

Now the fun part, adding the Dixie Belle transfer. This is the newly released embroidered lotus transfer. I cut out the portions I wanted and placed where I thought they looked best.

Going around corners is a bit tricky but patience is key. Fold over and rub in place with the wooden stick.

A light rub with the Dixie Belle finishing pad to adhere the transfer in place.

I continued adding transfers to all the sides same as above.

Even to the back side seeing it may be visible on a table top.

And on the top too. Terra Seal was brushed over all sides to seal the transfers and give a wipeable surface. Two coats in total and the case was complete.

If interested it is available on my Etsy Store

Take a video tour :)

Links to the Dixie Belle products are for your convenience. My affiliation with this company does not increase prices on your end, your purchases via my links do however provide a small subsidy which allows me to keep providing these free tutorials. Thank you!


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