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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Wire & Wood Garden Trellis for $20

I have really wanted to try the cattle panel arch in our raised garden beds. However the panels are very pricey. So I came up with a budget friendly garden trellis for $20.

Scroll down for updated flower/ veggie progress photos

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We had leftover rafters from our house build. They were cut apart and stored until needed.

My handy husband pulled off the remaining brackets then cut them to the size that we determined to work for our spot.
4 upright supports were cut to 80"
2 cross supports were cut to 57"
2  width supports were cut to 49"
2 lower braces were cut to 42 1/2"

We purchased a partial roll of livestock wire from a friend for $20. It was rolled out to determine the width would work as the smaller raised bed is 4' wide. The wire worked perfectly.

Between the two of us we set the lumber in a square and screwed them together. 

4 uprights, each pair has a cross piece to hold them apart then the pairs had 2 width pieces screwed in place.

2 lower braces were toenailed into place and a screw was put in the lower part of the uprights directly into the garden bed wall for added stability.

The wire was rolled up and over to the long raised bed side then cut to the length needed.

It was bent at the tops to square neatly across the top edges.

Using a power stapler I affixed the wire to the lumber with 3/4" staples.

The staples were continued all the way around keeping the wire taut.

My work was done under the careful inspection of my Cane Corso dog Harley

And in a few short hours it was complete.


Dill grew quickly and prolifically starting harvest June 26th

This is July 4th

July 13th

and July 20th

I have not gotten the zucchini to trellis but the seeded flowers beds are growing quickly.

August 2024 updates below

that purple cabbage was so delicious!

the trellis also acts as a great cat escape when a cat chasing dog visits


  1. I love this! I can just imagine how it will look with the vines climbing on it!

    1. Thank you Helen, I am so looking forward to seeing the vines and zucchini too :)

    2. Very creative. Good way to recycle wood and wire. A wonderful place for morning glories! and sweet peas!

    3. Thank you Anonymous, I look forward to seeing them too

  2. I am thoroughly impressed by the depth and clarity of this post. It’s not only informative but also thought-provoking. Keep up the great work!

  3. I love this so much! And it looks great. I think it tied up your garden area beautifully. Cannot wait to see the plants growing over it. And also, so glad I found your blog! Looking forward to more posts.

    1. Thank you for hte kind words Angie, appreciate them and look forward to having you join me on my creative adventures.


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