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Modernized Pine Dresser in Gray

  If you're a fan of clear coat pine, this makeover might not be your cup of tea. But for those who love breathing new life into old furniture, I hope this tutorial sparks some inspiration! The original clear pine finish has aged over the years, and the tall dresser has endured its fair share of wear and tear. With a little care, attention, and a fresh new color, it now serves a new purpose with renewed charm.

Recycled Garden Markers

This is how I make my garden markers recycled from metal blinds

Using tin snips I cut the metal blinds to desired length and write with a black sharpie, it is just that easy.
You could also clear coat the writing with modgepodge or clear coat to extend the life of it.

They work perfect as stay sturdy, reusable, wash easily and don't break down like plastic lids I tried in the past.

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  1. Super clever idea, Lee Ann! I'm happy to be featuring your post at Tuesday Turn About this week!

    1. Thank you Julie, I appreciate the feature and your hosted party each week


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